Jayne grew up in a non horsey family, riding at the local riding school from 4 years of age. After constantly asking her parents for a horse & forgoing birthday & Christmas presents, she eventually owned her first horse at the age of 12.
Jayne is now competing at Grand Prix with Alfons ( aka Alf) who she has owned from a 5yo & trained herself. Her other horses include 2 working small tour level - Casina Royale & Fitzgerald. Then Florance who is working at Advanced Medium.
Jayne also enjoys training riders to international small tour level, having trained with high profile riders & trainer herself including Bent Jensen, Marcus Gribbe, Andelinde Cornelissen, Stephen Clarke and Vicki Thompson. Jayne currently trains with Spencer Wilton.
We hope to get Jayne to write us a small blog during competition season so stay tuned for her Big Tour 2019.
Please give Jayne a huge welcome we are thrilled to have her on the team.